I’ve been watching facebook posts by those exposing the truth (“Conspiracy Theorist” was the name given these people BY those who were doing the “conspiring” deeds in the first place, and this fact alone explains the title of this blog post, yet, I’ll continue on… ) and sensed a certain point whereby it felt, to me at least, there was a need to go “beyond” this apparent, and yet very real, truth.

I’m talking about the “darkness” currently being played out in the world – if you’re reading this blog you probably already know what I’m talking about so won’t list the obvious list.  I Observed that those that were speaking this truth were still telling the same old story… for a year, or two, or maybe more (Just as I am able to Observe myself when I am telling the same ole story ;)) Sure, new things came to light, yet really, its just more of the same. The recent Snowden hoo-ha is the perfect example.

A while ago, I’d also discovered that most of the “anti-darkness” strategies, such as occupy movements, whistleblowers, the world-wide emulation of the “anonymous” masked man (from the movie “V for Vendetta”), for example, are all “Controlled Opposition”. Meaning, those that were doing the darkness, were ALSO causing and stimulating the very opposition to what they were doing.

WTF?! Why?

Simply… to keep people in fear.

Let’s look at an example:

““Even if you’re not doing anything wrong, you’re being watched and recorded. …it’s getting to the point where you don’t have to have done anything wrong, you simply have to eventually fall under suspicion from somebody, even by a wrong call, and then they can use this system to go back in time and scrutinize every decision you’ve ever made, every friend you’ve ever discussed something with, and attack you on that basis, to sort of derive suspicion from an innocent life.” Snowden.

Pretty scary huh? Do you reckon it would put people a bit more on edge, a bit more afraid? Make them want to be good, law abiding citizens? Maybe most… and for some … it’ll make them angry. But don’t worry, that’s a bonus too. They’re quite clever this bunch,  albeit arrogant, in knowing they can “harvest” the emotion of the Awakening Truthers. And by doing so, they actually FUEL their motives with the ‘fight’  (which will of course, lead to war, and of course, make them more money.) They are energy harvesters… which means they only want one thing. Power. And they feed off people’s fear, and anger, and ALL lower-tone emotional states.

Most people are simply unaware of the purpose of their emotions, let alone how to work with them effectively. Hubbard had it pegged with his “Emotional Tone Scale,” (http://creativegoalsetting.com/emotional-tone-scale/) in demonstrating that in order to move UP the Tone Scale, from fear and apathy, we must, in many cases, move THROUGH such fiery emotional states (eg anger, blame, revenge, hatred). Yet, its best we don’t get stuck there. Yet that is what many “truthers” are. Stuck.

The controlled opposition is perfectly timed. The new-age movement has been dutifully stuck in apathy, meditating on “love and light” for a few decades now. Some of them have pierced through that veil, and are getting smarter, and are seeing what is REALLY going on, and they’re the angry ones. And rightfully so! Yet, we were talking about Progressing. And if they’re not, sadly… they are playing their perfectly scripted part too.  All this REACTION to what is going on in the world, isn’t purely Creative, with a capital “C.” Its not High Level, Creative Constructive Thinking that someone who Knows who they REALLY are, would Think. Sure, it CREATES, but what is it creating? More of. And you know, whilst we “need” it … it will still keep happening. Just like why a victim of an abuser “needs” the abuser to keep abusing until she develops enough Strength, Courage, and Self Worth to walk away and set herself free… and only then knowing who she REALLY is. It does not justify the abusive or negative behaviour, it just simply is. Until it needs to be no more.

Back to Snowden, as our example. I mean … Who really cares what he is saying? Who really gives a shit if its true or not? Now this is not a denial/avoidance stance… I do get that what is happening is very real. But I also like to hang out somewhere in between worlds sometimes, and remind myself that there's more to it than meets my eye.  And from this vantage-point, if I’m speaking from my Knowing that this is simply representing my FEAR, materialized, and that I can Choose/Be/Do otherwise …well… I take my Power back. Cos taking Personal Responsibility means, Knowing I’d given it away. Yup. But I have to now DO something with this Awareness. Something different that engages me in the old way I no longer want to participate in. Fight, flight or Freedom…. Now which is it gunna be?

What we really need, is a REVELATION, not a revolution. A revelation of the Truth of who we REALLY are; which is indeed Creative Beings with the ability to Create our own reality. When we discover this, we have broken through another veil, now have Awareness of the Truth AND our ability to Create our ENTIRE Reality. That is where the REAL Power is.

Until we discover that the “them out there” is really US, and HOW to “atone;” ie literally “at one”.. Make one… meaning… take Full Personal Responsibility for them “out there” … cos unless we do … we’ll just keep on getting the same old results, or more likely, it will keep getting worse until we FACE that darkness, and own it.. We can’t do that if we’re stuck on “us vs them” or blame, anger, revenge.

So what is the darkness, and the Controlled Opposition telling us? For what Purpose have we Created it?  The “them out there” doing all sorts of disastrous things to our planet and the people is no different to a Sacred Contract that we have with a person in our lives. They literally show up to fight, manipulate, bully, abuse, or love us until we remember who we REALLY are, and Decide, we don’t wanna play that game no more. Game over. Next!

So the PARADOX is, by their very actions of simply attempting to keep us in fear, enslaving us, we can, using our Awareness, realize that we are in fear! And thus set ourselves free!

The darkness, by whichever names you call them – the elite, the illuminati, the government, the club of Rome, the monetary system … AND their controlled opposition, are all literally SERVING us to become the Greater version of ourselves… the one that we’d forgotten. Let’s not let them think they have it won, shall we?! Remember; no mud, no lotus. Well that's how it is for now anyway, so I'll use it as an example, but that too, as a metaphor, is also a Belief System (BS ;)), which can be released at any ole time we decide its no longer workin' for us. How bout now? "Even tho I've needed the darkness (mud) to help me grow and strive to remember who I REALLY am, I deeply and completely love and accept myself." There, that's done! (Am sure the lotus doesn't have any disparaging thoughts about the mud from whence it shoots... ahhh... us humans... sure are unique!) 

Where was I? Oh, setting ourselves (me) Free ... I remember that some smart bloke said “You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”

Chemtrails, and ALL other goings-on that have us huffing and puffing, are literally the “writing in the sky” … time to wake up! It certainly doesn’t mean we don’t tell the truth. We can keep on tellin the truth, maybe smokin another joint, but at some point, like Bucky says, we just gotta get on with it. And the answers, the Way, is NOT within the current system, that’s for sure.

Whomsoever is our greatest enemy, be it a person, an organization, is also the fuel for our greatest Transformation.

Jesus said, apparently, in regard to one’s enemies “Turn the other cheek.”  This does not mean that we turn and get punched on the other side of our face. That’d be trying denial and avoidance… OUCH. It means to literally turn away from what we don’t want, and face what we do. YET, with Awareness; by Observing what we don’t want, we can become clearer what we really DO want! No matter “why” we got here – we did. The question is WHAT do we want now? What do we REALLY want now? And HOW is the best way to go about this? Fighting the old? Or turning away, and facing, ie DOING, what we REALLY want to be doing?

Can you Imagine if all that energy spent on marches, and exposing the truth, was spent, by millions… in not going to “paid employment” every day, and instead simply doing and being what one really loves and derives Joy from, be it mothering, writing, painting, gardening, developing water-fueled cars, thinking about new ideas, anything? In sharing with one’s neighbours anything they have an abundance of? In sharing the enough-stuff we ALREADY have on this planet? (Don’t’ buy into the scarcity meme… that too is a farce) In actually deploying the gazillions of alternatives to the environment damaging means we use for ‘energy’ that ALREADY exist?

Good news is, we don’t have to wait for everyone else to get it (that’s another blog post ;)). We have Author-ity of our own Reality. We can begin it. Now.

“How?” I hear you ask? Well, that is a very good question to begin with. Be sure to listen for your answer!

♥ `*.¸.*.♥.✿*.¸.*.♥☼ ❥ ... ℒƠѵℯ  Shriya 

A Dragon's Tale;  BLOG: http://adragonstale.weebly.com/

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