There is day, and there is night. If we weren’t meant to have the night, well, we just wouldn’t. So what’s with this fluffy, clichéd new-age concept that its all about love and light? Don’t get me wrong, love and light sure is yummy, yet, I’m talking bout all the focus on avoiding the darkness which is akin to painting over rust and pretending its not there.

Imo, this over-emphasis on “love n light” or “being in one’s heart” is being proffered by those with motives to keep us unaware of the simplest of truths – there is meant to be darkness, just as much as there is meant to be light. Balance. Yet, people en masse resist the darkness, the shadow; avoiding it like the plague. But if one wants more light, one must be able to face the darkness; for en-lighten-ment is to make the dark Conscious, as one wise man once said.

As it goes, the more light/Consciousness one becomes, the more darkness one is able to perceive and handle constructively. It cannot be any other way. Focussing on only the light, without first accepting and transforming/transmuting the darkness is denial and avoidance. And really, there’s nothing wrong with denial and avoidance, it serves its purpose… yet… probably only for a while. Then it just becomes “stuckedness,” (technical term of course), and this usually shows up in all manner of ways in one’s life via Universal Feedback, (but that’s another story).

In order to perceive the darkness however, one does not need to be overwhelmed by it, nor stay stuck in it. The darkness in its rightful place serves to birth Consciousness – seeds germinate in the darkness. That which is dark has a positive light/Conscious opposite. When we see things that we really don’t want, it gives us a very clear indication of what we DO want instead. The more dark we are able to perceive, and transmute, by first releasing our emotional responses to it (apathy, fear, denial, avoidance, anger for example) and then our emotional attachment to having it in our reality, and then, deciding what we REALLY want instead, the more opportunity for the Evolution of our Consciousness. If we want, of course.

It is why we are in this unique phase and time, with things seemingly getting so much worse – when looking at world events such as war, poverty, weather manipulation, environmental destruction, the economy and so forth; whilst also seemingly getting so much better – when looking at how  some people are becoming Aware of their Sovereignty and ability to Consciously Create their own Reality. Even our DNA is evolving.

It is only in accepting the duality that we can harmonise the aspects – become “whole” – this is the true meaning of “Holy.”  (Woops, the buggers changed the language again, I meant “Wholly.” ;) ) It is also the true meaning of Unity. Unity is not some fluffy concept of us “all being in it together and getting along.” It is the Uniting of the disparate parts within ourselves, which is then reflected; ie materialised, in our outer reality too. This yummy place somewhere in the inbetween the duality, harmonised, that would not be possible without them is also known as “The Middle Way”. The Tao. But fear not, we don’t need to be attached to staying there either. As a Wise Owl reminded me just the other day, All Roads lead to Self.

There is a mis-conception that we must do the thing that we fear most. No, we actually only need to FACE the thing that we fear most; we need to face the “worst case scenario” of what we FEAR might happen if we actually do the thing that we really WANT the most. When we release the fear of “what might happen” we can get on with doing it anyway. That is what is meant by “feel the fear and do it anyway.” The “anyway” part is what we REALLY want. Feel it, release it, and do/be it anyway.

It is then, as it has always been, our Choice;  using our Free Will, what we choose to focus on, and that which we focus upon, becomes our Reality. 

So, when there’s some darkness that is seemingly too much to bear, I use a quick round of EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) to clear my “stuff” on it, for example, “Even though this thing in my life is just so awful that I cannot bear to face it, I deeply and completely love and accept myself. I then write the Positive Opposite to it in the relevant section of my Creative Goal Setting Folder. Both of which tools are Shared freely here: www.creativegoalsetting.com

 ♥ `*.¸.*.♥.✿*.¸.*.♥☼ ❥ ... ℒƠѵℯ  Shriya 

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