threshold |ˈθre sh ˌ(h)ōld|
2 the magnitude or intensity that must be exceeded for a certain reaction, phenomenon, result, or condition to occur or be manifested : nothing happens until the signal passes the threshold | [as adj. ] a threshold level.

Any time we are “holding a position” on something, we can be sure that we’re resisting something else, and therefore at the same time we are also at a Threshold. This is usually unknown to those that are holding such said position at the time, simply because the focus, to the exclusion of all else, is on defending this position, sometimes at all costs. This is being emotionally attached to something or an outcome; usually both.

Whatever we are holding a position on is a Belief System. All of us have Belief Systems – they are the foundations upon which our Reality is built! Without them, Thought would not expand to Create further. I like to use the acronym BS (for humour’s sake) for Belief Systems, to remind me that some things we believe in really are BULL SHIT(!) and really deserve to be released the moment we come into Awareness of such!

What do we get out of holding a position on something? Security. Safety. Identity. Not having to go any further… cos the unknown is … scary. And of course, we couldn’t possibly be THAT great. No… not us. We couldn’t be any greater than the system, the government, the elite… so we simply MUST hold our position on all that they are doing TO US and not for a moment think that we could, in a moment, stand on the Threshold of a new Reality that leaves whatever we were holding a position on in a puff of dust. No, not us… we are mere mortals. Yeah right.

I’m not deluded, I do understand my mortality… the mortality of my flesh and bones that is. But even that is a Belief System… simply because I don’t have a need to be attached to that either. Perhaps there are already Beings that are immortal in their flesh… but when physical existence is just one fun thing to do in the entire realm of the Universe and Eternity, I’m not sure they’d wanna be stuck in the one body for Eternity. Oh there I go again… Thinkin… Expanding the possibilities of my Mind… it really is Child’s play you know… this Creating thing… Imagination really is more important than Knowledge, apparently.

HmmMmm wonder why they put kids in school… do ya think… it is cos they are too smart for their own good? Who’s good? OH! That’s right… the cartel that’s decided to enslave the human race as a labour force (not too difficult to comprehend, we are called “Human Resources” ya know…. Resources for WHO?? Last time I checked, this planet contains all the Resources that one in a flesh and blood suit could EVER need to live quite comfortably here!)

Where was I? Oh, holding a position… well that’d be a perfect example! There I was, just mindin’ my own business, exploring my thoughts on those that are using us humans for their own purposes. With my Awareness, I now Observe, by my feelings of “yum” or “yuck” whether I may be “holding a position” on something, which would mean that I am emotionally attached to it. There’s a pay-off for me being attached to it, and, from experience, this is always at the expense of my growth, my opportunity to expand, that the limiting belief actually serves to birth.

How do our seemingly negative, or yuck, experiences, feelings, emotions and beliefs “serve to birth” our Growth? They’re like a “wake up call” … literally designed to feel that way so we pay attention……..  and change it.

Bein' a human resource? Yuck. What do I really want instead? FOCUS ON THAT!!!

We can simply be Aware of our Feelings in Present Time, to change course, to get back on our Path, our Middle Way …. Rather than wait for the degree of our resistance to intensify in order to “birth” our Threshold.

We are missing a very important opportunity if we put all our attention on “why” we feel yuck. Our energy and thoughts could be better spent on simply asking ourselves … what is the Positive Opposite of this? What do I really want to be experiencing instead? And that is the crux which defines how we view the world – either holding our position, otherwise known as “stuckedness,” in which all therapists, doctors healers and the like profit from our woes (usually reflecting their own stuff, we are but a mirror) or we are standing on a threshold of “What next?”

As a Wise Owl often reminds me when I am “Holding a Position” on something…. “If ya say so….”

To which I have, in Present Time, realised that I am holding a position on “needing others to get it” in order to validate my worldview. And conversely, how I have held myself back or been disquieted about others’ opinions of my thoughts and ideas. Both of which I can simply Choose to release and go beyond the threshold into new Awareness and Possibility, using the Emotional Freedom Technique (http://creativegoalsetting.com/eft/) with the following set up phrases:

“Even tho I have been holding a position on “needing others to get it” in order to validate my worldview, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.”

“Even tho I have held myself back or been disquieted about others’ opinions of my thoughts and ideas, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.

Now what would be the Positive Opposite to that? Ummm… being me, without the attachment to anyone else needing to understand or validate me. Now that isn’t that scary is it? Oh… it may mean a few less “friends” … lucky I am Aware that I have my Self and can never be lonely, and that all new friends and people I associate without this attachment will be a bonus! YUM!

♥ `*.¸.*.♥.✿*.¸.*.♥☼ ❥ ... ℒƠѵℯ  Shriya 

A Dragon's Tale;  BLOG: http://adragonstale.weebly.com/

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