We are only EVER resisting the newer and greater version of our Self!

I could leave the blog at that, and that could possibly sound quite wise and philosophical, but I’m not yet that wise so even tho I’ve said it, I even need an explanation of that. So here goes. Lately I’ve been observing a LOT of people feeling quite tired. There seems to be some global lethargy goin on, and there’s all manner of explanations for it… one of the most common in the new-age arena being dubbed “ascension symptoms.” I might get to more on that in a minute (I don’t even know where this is goin’ yet). Added to that, there’s more and more reports on the solar flares, the stars, the Mayan calendar, the comets, what moon phase we’re in…. Not to mention what the powers-that-be are up to… chemtrails, haarp, radiation, etc. The list goes on, and apparently, we’re affected by all of it. When things are good, they’re good, but when things are shite, well, we can just blame it on any one of those external powerful forces, can’t we? Well yeah, if we want to, or, we can make a Choice right now to take 100% Personal Responsibility for our ENTIRE REALITY. Can we? Yikes… yep… we’re steppin it up…

A wise owl told me long ago, and a few (hundred) times more since then, that “tiredness is just resistance.” Now, I like to think I have an open mind about most new concepts, at least, open enough to not resist them (ok, pun intended, I can’t help it, I’ve at least got to laugh at myself – what else do you do when you have seven planets as Air signs? Write blogs to yourself, clearly).

So is it true that every time I am tired, I am resisting something? Well, in a nutshell, yes. But even tho the truth is often plain and simple, my very human self sure does need to be able to experience it fully to be able to fathom it. So the last couple of weeks, increasingly, I’ve been fathoming. And here’s what I have to share.

We are only EVER resisting the newer and greater version of our Self!

Still not convinced? Well, I’ll attempt to give the short version.

We’ve (I’ve) forgotten that I am a Conscious Creator – I Create my own world, no exceptions. Whilst having my experience on this planet, I’ve collected all manner of data and information about what I don’t want and what I do want. The simple truth is, what I do want, is already lined up for me. I’ve Created it via my Thoughts, my Dreaming, my Imagining – simple Law of AttrACTION stuff which we’ve all known for a decade or two now (hint: Capitalisation of ACTION means we actually gotta take Action to meet what we’re Askin for). But if we know this, why are so many people experiencing pain, illness, tiredness and general lethargy, the so called “ascension symptoms”?

Well, speaking for myself, its when I am not keeping up with Me. When self is not keeping up with Self, or the gap between self and Self is too wide. My Self (read: Higher Self/Consciousness/God/Whatever-ya-call-it) has got my best interests handled. It is as good as done, it is MANIFEST, and now, I just gotta get myself lined up with it, in order to MATERIALISE IT. But, if I’m goin’ with the current current, the popular one whereby we compare symptoms and ailments just to prove we’re being affected by it, the one that has me pegged to be suffering from every solar flare, every sonic boom of haarp, even such seemingly physical maladies such as the effects of radiation, well, I’ve drifted away from MY current. And I have been blabbing about Creating My Own Reality for more than a decade now, so I wouldn’t be Walkin my Talk and Walkin my Walk if I didn’t think that “I” CREATED THEM, now would I?

Hang on, am I saying that I created the chemtrails, and I can even change my reality about them? Yes. I am. And when I’m looking at chemtrails, and I’m not evolving beyond them (as my Self already has me pegged to be) then something will get my attention to show me where I’m off my drift; my current, my Path. Like tiredness. Like any kind of physical malady. Like negative thoughts that I stay stuck in. Like believing the chemtrails can hurt me.

So a quick round of EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique:  http://creativegoalsetting.com/eft/ ) fixes that: “Even tho I believe that external influences can affect my reality in a negative way, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.”

Hey its worth an EFT don’t cha think? Nuthin much to lose if we bop a few ascension symptoms on the head!

Now what was I saying about Personal Responsibility? Now that I have released my emotional attachment to NEEDING to be affected by external influences, I can go within and really look at what is happening in present time. How am I feeling? Where am I at in my life? Now I personally have taken the time to consider what I REALLY want in my life.

If, at any time, I’m resisting what I’ve already created, then I can count on getting some feedback. And that is what tiredness is.  When we feel alive, happy and joyous.. we just Know when its time to rest our body and sleep. 

♥ `*.¸.*.♥.✿*.¸.*.♥☼ ❥ ... ℒƠѵℯ  Shriya 
5/31/2013 09:41:22 pm

seems legit to me <3

5/31/2013 09:51:47 pm

Fabulously put!!!! <3 Xxx

5/31/2013 09:54:53 pm

& love the name!!

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